Friday, October 19, 2007


  1. If someone tells you to go to and you go to Google and type "" into the Google search box, you really need a computer lesson....and are not cool
  2. You are not cool if you still do not know what "tabbed browsing" is
  3. If your e-mail address changes every time your Internet provider changes....not cool
  4. If #3 doesn't make sense to you....
  5. If your computer still has the original sticker on the front that shows the specs (this goes for digital cameras and other similar devices)
  6. If your computer has enough food in between the keys to make Thanksgiving dinner
  7. If your screen is so smudged you need a professional window cleaner to come out and clean it
  8. If you still use AOL (or had AOL anytime in the last 10 years)
  9. If your laptop is larger than your TV
  10. If you bookmark every page you have ever gone to


insanemommy said...

You are not cool if you still do not know what "tabbed browsing" is I do, I do....

If your e-mail address changes every time your Internet provider changes....not cool--no worries here only have yahoo and g-mail carry them with me you.

If your computer has enough food in between the keys to make Thanksgiving dinner--could be guilty of this at times.

If your screen is so smudged you need a professional window cleaner to come out and clean it.--Katie and Abbey did it!

If you bookmark every page you have ever gone to. Barely bookmark anything..

Great post.

Sophie's Mom said...

Alright, I probably do the tabbed browsing, but don't call it exactly that. Or maybe I don't know what it is. Hmmm...

The rest I'm good on. Well, except the lil chocolate chunks that fall in between the keys. I do used the can air to clean them out, good, right?

Yoli said...

Only guilty of still using AOL, the rest I am not guilty of doing.

Good post and funny.

Kerry Lynn said...

this is funny. :-)