Friday, October 5, 2007

Topic #2 - Cats

  1. It is not cool to call your cat during your lunch hour and speak to them over the answering machine. "Did you eat all your food Snuggles?", "Mommy will be home in a few hours." Please stop.
  2. People who walk their cats on a leash. This is ridiculous.
  3. People who talk about their cats like they are human children.
  4. People who leave money to their cats when they die.
  5. People who have posters of cats hanging in their office.
  6. People who celebrate their cat's birthday and invite other people's cats to attend the party.
  7. People who have pictures of their cats without an accompanying human being next to them in the picture.
  8. People who have professional pictures made with their cats
  9. People who dress up their cats
  10. If your cat has a MySpace page you are not cool and probably have much bigger issues


Sophie's Mom said...

Okay, I must agree with you on ALL of these. In fact, how about add 'anyone who OWNS a cat'. LOL I'm a dog lover, check out my latest post. Dogs are good for SOMETHING. Mine are 'fierce protectors'. They'll save my butt one day. What's a cat going to do? Oh yeah, I forgot, lick itself. Hmmmph! :P

LaLa said...

Ha are cracking me up! We don't own a cat but our neighbors have one and Annslee loves it. Hey, this is the best way to do it!

redmaryjanes said...

Ok, first of all, I am cool. But I did want to take a picture of my cat with a witch hat on. I can see now that that is a huge mistake and alter my I'll refrain. I pass all of the other stuff though.

Heather said...

Amen! I won't mention that pre-children we used to dress the dog up in reindeer antlers for the holidays... Now only the kids wear antlers.

Lori said...

Oh this was a good, I laughed so hard I cried!!
I don't have a cat, but I do like them. I would never have a party for one either! And as much as I love my dog, I wouldn't have a party for her either. But I do put a little sweater on her. :)
Thanks for the laugh!!!

insanemommy said...

Steffie B! You must say your hail mary's!! Lol... You are a trip.

Yoli said...

Hey, hey back off on the kitty attack. I love cats and I do have a picture of my cat by himself. He is a member of my family. He is also probably smarter than most family members but that's another topic.

I have not seen anyone leave any money to their cat (which they should) but I have seen Leona Hemsley leave a fortune to Mr. Trouble, her little white dog. So don't be accusing cat owners of being crazy, that department belongs to dog owners.

I also have to mention I own 2 parrots. I have not had any luck in dressing them up.