Sunday, March 16, 2008


  1. Everyone knows that you will probably have to take your shoes off when going through security at a U.S. airport. Therefore, WHY wear knee high lace up boots that take 20 minutes to get off?
  2. Trying to put a full-size suit case into a small plane's overhead.
  3. Arguing with the gate agent that you should board early with the frequent fliers because in 1980 you were a frequent flier.
  4. Using your cell phone on the plane before take-off and making sure everyone on the plane can hear you.
  5. Getting out of your seat when the plane lands and getting your overhead items before the fasten seat belt sign is off. Do you really need a head-start?


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insanemommy said...

Well, well, well. I think you just may have a career in the airline industry. Now you understand why airline personnel make fun of the inexperienced flyer! lol.....