Saturday, November 17, 2007

Things For Guys

  1. Not cool if you drive a VW Beetle
  2. Wear pants that are patchwork or pastel in color
  3. Have a cell phone that is red or any color other than black, gray, silver, or dark blue
  4. Carry a man bag
  5. Keep your keys and/or wallet attached to your jeans via a chain of some kind
  6. Wear t-shirts representing beers and especially bad beers (e.g. Bud, Miller Lite, etc.)
  7. Drink bad beers (e.g. Bud, Miller Lite, Coors, most other mass produced American beers)
  8. If you yell "Number 1" or hold up one finger in the air at a ball game whenever your team does something decent but in reality your team sucks and is not even ranked
  9. If you can name a single Britney Spears, Celine Dion, or John Tesh song
  10. If you purposely have a dog that would fit into a duffel bag